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5 Ways to Celebrate the Spring Equinox

Pussy willows growing in the Spring Equinox with the sun glistening off the stems.

The Spring Equinox also called the vernal equinox marks one of two times a year when the earth receives equal amounts of day as it does darkness. From this equinox forward the days get longer and the nights get shorter until we reach midsummer.

Spring is the season of re-birth, awakening, new beginnings, and fertility. How can we celebrate spring? 

Let’s make a fresh start.

1. Spring Clean Your Life

Make a plan to spring clean your life this year. Think about things you can let go of, in order to create space for new beginnings and growth. Include your home, thoughts, calendar, relationships, diet, habits and anything that is apart of who you are. Take a look with fresh eyes, clean out what is no longer serving you.

2. Plan Your Garden

Think about which plants you would like to grown this year and how you will do that. Do you want and herb garden, potted plants, or raised beds? Create a list of actions and supplies to make this year the year you finally do it.

3. Get Outside

The state parks here in Michigan have closed all the public gathering areas such as restrooms and visitor centers but do still recommend people use the hiking trails and parks individually.

4. Bring the Outdoors In

Go outside and find something that is budding, clip a stick or branch and bring it indoors, the more interesting the twig the better. Bring it indoors and display it in a vase or glass of water. You may be able to watch as the buds open into leaf.

5. Unleash Your Inner Goddess

Why not wear some flowing layers that caress your skin, wear a sensual natural scent, meditate on the earth and it’s state of awakening, initiate sex with a trusted partner, and eat some delicious fresh fruits and vegetables.

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